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Showing 16 from 16 result(s)


Geopolitieke contexten als oorzaken van migratie naar Nederland
MigrationReports and papers
Unravelling Turkish involvement in the Sahel
Europe in the WorldPolicy briefs
Experts insights: Turkse verkiezingen
Conflict and FragilityMultimedia
Het Turkse diasporabeleid in Nederland
MigrationReports and papers
Policing the police: Libya & the EU
Conflict and FragilityPolicy briefs
All eyes on Ankara
Europe in the WorldPolicy briefs

All eyes on Ankara

29 March 202209:36
A new formula for collaboration: Turkey, the EU & North Africa
Europe in the WorldReports and papers
Beyond Turkey’s ‘zero problems’ policy
Security and DefencePolicy briefs
Exploring avenues in the EU’s rule of law crisis
Europe and the EUPolicy briefs
Gedeeld belang bij circulaire migratie
MigrationReports and papers
Expert Insights: Transatlantic Relations
Security and DefenceArticles
Eensgezinde rivalen: Poetin, Erdoğan en de worsteling van de NAVO
Security and DefenceArticles
What do the conciliatory words from Ankara mean?
Europe and the EUOp-ed
A new momentum for EU-Turkey cooperation on migration
Europe in the WorldPolicy briefs
EU enlargement package: Can one bad apple spoil the whole barrel?
Europe and the EUAlerts