
Trade and Globalisation

China’s Role and Interests in East and Southeast Europe
19 Jun 2018 18:15 - 20:00
Bron: Wikipedia

This public debate was  part of the Forum München Debate Series, organised by the Ludwig -Maximilians-Universität (LMU), Munich in cooperation with the Gesellschaft für Außenpolitik-Munich.

Is China 'at the gates of Europe'? The media frequently report on the growing Chinese interest and political influence in East and Southeastern Europe. China's European take overs, such as Greek harbour Piraeus, seem to take place in an almost covert way.

During this public event the background, motivation, chances and risks of this Chinese interest and engagement in East and Southeastern Europe were topic of discussion.

China and New Silk Road expert Frans-Paul van der Putten highlighted the role of China in relation to its geo-strategic and economic ambitions. Other guest lecturers were Dr. Thomas Eder, Sr. Research Associate at the Mercator Institute for China Studies-Berlin, and Prof. Dr. Alexander Libman, Professor for socio-economic Eastern Europe Studies at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität-Munich.

The discussion was chaired by Dr. Michael Rochlitz, Research Associate at LMU's Department of Sociology.

This event may have been photographed, filmed or otherwise recorded, live-streamed via internet, or posted on social media.