
Europe in the World


Green COVID-19 Recovery and Transatlantic Leadership

21 Oct 2020 - 12:00
Bron: the South Lawn of the White House, Official White House Photo / Andrea Hanks
What are the prospects?

This brief has previously been published by The Chicago Council on Global Affairs

As the US presidential election rapidly approaches, an important question is the prospects for (renewed) transatlantic cooperation, especially in the areas of green recovery to the economic effects of the COVID-19 outbreak, tackling climate change, and addressing these issues through multilateral approaches. In analyzing ambitions and initiatives on both sides of the Atlantic in three connected policy arenas, this brief argues that while a Democratic victory provides greater opportunity for collaboration, underlying structures for cooperation among societal stakeholders in the United States need to be reinvigorated to diminish polarization in society, which could continue to block the transition to a lowcarbon economy.

Read full brief.