
Europe in the World

Webinar #4 Dealing with China on high-tech issues
22 Apr 2021 13:30 - 14:45

The semiconductor industry squeezed

From global collaboration to national tech resilience?

As the ‘building block’ of high-tech products, the semiconductor industry has been particularly affected by growing geo-economic tensions. Increased focus on alleged security concerns, the race for technological supremacy as well as the politicization of technologies and supply chains call collaborative advantages into question. How can European industry and government deal with the squeeze?


Welcome and scene-setting

  • Maaike Okano-Heijmans (moderator, Senior Research Fellow, the Clingendael Institute)

  • Heleen Bakker (Director European and International Affairs, Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy)

Bifurcation of semi-conductor supply chains?

  • John Lee (Senior Analyst at the Mercator Institute for China Studies)

  • Mathieu Dûchatel (Director of the Asia Programme at Institut Montaigne)

  • Brigitte Dekker (Junior Researcher at the Clingendael Institute)

Reflections and key take-aways

  • Anna-Lena Rhiem (Public Affairs Expert at Infineon Technologies AG)

  • Joost van Hees (Senior Director Government & External Affairs at ASML)

Also read our latest report Dealing with China on high-tech issues.


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