

Renewable Energy
Europe/Amsterdam 10 2016 10:00

This is an open event. For more information and registration for the workshop please contact Ragnhild Drange, coordinator MSc International Relations and Diplomacy program of Leiden University. 

Workshop on 'Renewable Energy: Technical and Political Determinants of Biofuel in Sustainable Transportation', focussing on political and technical determinants of the potential (larg scale) introduction of biofuels, notably in the EU. The Workshop is a collaborative effort between academics at Leiden University and the TU Delft.

The workshop is meant to bring together academics and practitioners interested in this subject, and to explore possibilities for collaboration.

Louise van Schaik will chair the session on Potential and Challenges of Biofuel: Reducing the 'CO2 Footprint' in Transportation. The event will be chaired by Madeleine Hosli, professor of International Relations at Leiden University.

The full program of this event can be downloaded below.