
Reports and papers

Think Global, Act Local: Honorary Consuls in a Transforming Diplomatic World

01 Oct 2007 - 12:32

This paper by Kevin Stringer deals with consular diplomacy which is taking on an ever increasing importance in the globalized world and economy, and may emerge as the more significant component of diplomatic power when compared to the traditional diplomacy exercised from embassies. This paper concentrates on the understudied subject of honorary consuls and their conduct of trade, tourism, and investment promotion. It seeks to highlight how states are using honorary consuls to extend their network for increased consular coverage; overview why localities, regions, and municipal hubs are increasingly more important than national capitals in terms of business and commerce and thus in need of an honorary consular presence; and demonstrate how selected nations are using honorary consuls to develop their economies.

About the Author

Dr. Kevin D. Stringer is an international banker and adjunct Professor of Security Studies at the Baltic Defence College in Estonia. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science/ International Relations from the University of Zurich, an MA in International Relations from Boston University, and a B.Sc. in Military History from the US Military Academy. He has served as a diplomat and military officer. His diplomatic research interests focus on consular diplomacy, the diplomacy of autonomous regions, and the diplomacy and economics of microstates.


More information

Information is available at the secretariat of the Clingendael Diplomatic Studies Programme of the Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael, tel. (070) 3746605 or via email.