
Strategic Foresight

Financing Asia's Future Growth
Europe/Amsterdam 02 2015 14:00
Source: Asian Development Bank

On Tuesday 31 March 2015, Deputy Chief Economist Juzhong Zhuang of the Asian Development Bank will present the key findings of the Asian Development Outlook 2015, including this year’s special theme chapter on Financing Asia's Future Growth. He will address the role of developing Asia's financial system in sustaining its growth, while also examining ways to make the system more inclusive and stable. A panel of experts will provide respond to his presentation, followed by a plenary discussion with the audience.

The Asian Development Outlook

The Asian Development Outlook, popularly known as the ADO, is a series of annual economic reports on the developing member countries (DMCs) of the Asian Development Bank. The ADO features an assessment of economic trends and prospects for the world and for the developing economies of Asia and the Pacific, economic profiles, economic management issues, development policy concerns, and economic projections, for the DMCs of ADB, and a theme chapter covering important issues confronting the region. This year's theme chapter is " Financing Asia's Future Growth"

The main launch of this year's ADO took place on 24th March at 9.30am (HK) in Hong Kong. The full report can be accessed here.


14.00 : Introduction by the Chair, Nicole Bollen ( Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
14.10 : Presentation by Juzhong Zhuang, Deputy Chief Economist of the Asian Development Bank
14.55 : Panel discussion with Joris van Dijk (Dutch Ministry of Finance), Anneli Perridon (Dutch Central Bank) and Maaike Okano-Heijmans (Clingendael)

Start:               March 31st, 2015: 2:00 - 4:00 pm
Location:         Ministry of Foreign Affairs
                       Bezuidenhoutseweg 67, 2594 AC, The Hague

Join the Discussion!

Due to the limited seats we kindly ask that you contact us before March 30th by sending an email to:

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