
Europe in the World: Peace and Security
Europe/Amsterdam 12 2014

On October 28th, former President of Latvia Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga and China-specialist Jonathan Holslag will deliver the 13th Europe Lecture. This year, the theme of the lecture is 'Europe in the World: Peace and Security'. The lecture will be moderated by Tom de Bruijn, alderman of The Hague and former permanent representative to the European Union.

Europe in the World

In light of the growing instability in Europe's neighbourhood and the European Union's aspiration to become a full-fledged actor in international peacekeeping, the theme of this year's Europe Lecture 'Europe in the World: Peace and Security' is of major interest. The two distinguished speakers will discuss the role of the European Union on the international stage regarding matters of peace and security. How can Europe survive in an Asian century? What is the importance and meaning of Europe in the world? How should Europe address the international challenges that lie ahead, considering the recent and ongoing power shifts in the global realm?

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(Keynote speakers: Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga and Jonathan Holslag)

About the Europe Lecture

The Europe Lecture is a frequently recurring lecture on the meaning of Europe from a socio-economic, political or cultural perspective and takes place in the Hague.

The Europe Lecture is founded in 1992. The Lecture aims to stimulate the public debate and focuses on the meaning of Europe from a socio-economic, political or cultural perspective. Previous speakers include the former British minister of Foreign Affairs Lord Peter Carrington, former prosecutor at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia Richard Goldstone, former Irish President Mary Robinson, former NATO-secretary Javier Solana and former president of South Africa F.W. de Klerk.

Want to attend?

The Europe Lecture is organised in cooperation with the Montesquieu Institute, with support of the Municipality of The Hague. See here for more details.